MASTER DONALD ADRIZE AKWASHIKI a.k.a (Goggle Donald) is 7 (seven) years old
He was born on the 6th day of January 2017 at Treasure Hospital located at Great
Challenge Road by Townsend Academy iba, ojo Lagos to Mr Pius Alwashiki and
Mrs Chinyere Pius Akwashiki.
He is a Christian and a Native of Eggon tribe under Keffi Local Government Area in
Nassarawa state of Nigeria.
He is the first child of his parents and has a beautiful 4 (Four) year old sister
named Winifred Akwashiki whom he dots on.
He started his educational career at Townsend Academy Nursery & Primary
School Iba ojo,, Lagos from Kindergarten to his current class of primary (2) Two in
which he is making excellent grades in his studies .
Master DONALD is a brilliant child that was born with multiple talents and
immediately his parents noticed these rare attributes in him, they decided to
encourage him in all areas and allow him to naturally harness his god given skills
which he was most enthusiastic about with a view to properly channel him to give
his best in his chosen career.
He is a sports lover who enjoyed playing football from the Age of 3 years.He
attended briefly the Paddysco Football Academy in Festac Town but had to step
down to pursue his love for music and entertaining people through playing
At this tender age, his parents enrolled him in ONE GOD MUSIC CENTRE where he
concentrated, learned and mastered the Art of keyboard and singing many
beautiful songs.
To further enhance and polish his talent and skills he learnt from the ONE GOD
MUSIC CENTRE, his parents perceived he needed more attention on a one on one
basis and got him 2 (Two) private tutors in persons of MR.FLOURISH AND MR.KEVIN who took over and devoted time to properly pay attention/ Focus on his
keyboarding and singing skills to further improve on them.
In the light of the thorough private tutoring MASTER DONALD indeed became a
master in the skills of keyboarding and Music and started playing the National
Anthem in his school beautifully on keyboard to the delight, enjoyment and
admiration of all.
He has graced many occasions with his works at a lot of shows / events in Alaba
international ojo, Lagos.
He is currently working on recording a lot of songs in the studio which will be
released soon.
Master Donald is fully geared to keep entertaining fans and to move to greater
heights in his musical career in the near future.